Monday, April 21, 2008

Education Essay

Education is what makes life worthwhile. It is the key to life. Without education in our lives, this society would be worthless and we would have nothing to be proud of. You may think that school is worthless, but it makes your life a whole lot easier and happier.

Your parents can give you the best education that a person can receive. My parents have taught me the differences between right and wrong. I have learned many valuable lessons throughout my life from them. In the essay Two Ways of Seeing the River by Mark Twain, he paints a picture in my mind when he talks about the solitary log floating down the river. To me this meant that life is like a log floating down a river having to overcome many obstacles and keep flowing. This river will be your life, a continuous struggle to continue and reach the end.

I was involved with many different friends when I was younger. They taught me many things whether they were wise or not. I have learned from my mistakes as well as theirs. They gave me a priceless education that I will have for the rest of my life. I will always be applying these lessons to my everyday life and will keep flowing in the right direction.

In the essay The Hidden Teacher by Loren Eiseley, she talks about a “hidden” teacher that you do not always see. For myself, my hidden teacher is my job. It is not a great school teacher or a rocket scientist, but it is the experience, which is more precious. I have worked at the Marshall Golf Course for five years now and I have been taught many important lessons. My group of co-workers is like a giant machine. We all have different roles that need to be fulfilled on a daily basis. If someone is not functioning properly than the whole team has to fall back. This experience has been one of the most educating parts of my life.

What is your view on education? Is it just a big joke or is it the most valuable aspect of your life? Education does not just come from school. Start recognizing the experiences that have made you what you are today. So what is your key to life?

Eiseley, Loren. "The Hidden Teacher."
Twain, Mark. "Two Ways of Seeing the River."

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cover Letter

614 Southview Drive
Marshall, MN 56258
April 7, 2008

Mr. John Doe
Marshall, MN 56258

Dear Mr. Doe:

I am enclosing my resume in response to your advertisement in the Marshall Independent, April 4, for a computer system analysis job. As a member of my high school, I am a very strong student in the computer classes and I am very capable of doing this job to the best of my abilities. I am currently enrolled in Marshall High School and was actively working in my computer classes.

I have been AP Computer Science, Web Authoring, and Computer Applications. These classes have prepared me for numerous job opportunities and have prepared me for teamwork, critical thinking, and problem solving. I have taught both my mother and father more about computers and they now understand how to run and navigate through the computer.

I hope that I have an opportunity to meet with you in person as soon as possible.


Scott Hovaldt


Scott M. Hovaldt
614 Southview Dr., Marshall, MN 56258
(507) 829-1558

Objective: To gain experience and better the company of Schwans

Education: Senior at Marshall High School, Marshall, Minnesota
(Graduation June 2008) G.P.A: 3.6

And Skills: Marching Band sophomore, junior, and senior year.
-10th grade 11th place in super regional in St. Louis

Pep Band during freshman, sophomore, junior and senior year.

Tae Kwon Do from age 10 to 13
-15 1st place awards for sparing and patterns

Basketball freshman year

Experience: Hy-Vee courtesy for a year and a half.
Hy-Vee Kitchen for 2 years

Marshall Golf Course for 5 years

Worked with my Uncle on the farm for 1 year

Reference: Available upon request

Personal Statement

My interest in computers goes back to the 5th grade. I have been actively working with computers for at least 7 years. When I was a 7th grader I took my first computer class of Computer Applications. I then advanced to Advanced Computer Applications in 8th grade. These classes opened up the doors to my unending interest in computers.

The reason I am so interested in computers is that you can go so many directions with computer. You can me a graphic designer or a network administrator. There are so many different paths when it comes to computers. My career goal is to make a big difference in the job that I pursue. I have many skills that will help me in this job field. I am a very good leader, problem solver, and I am very patient when it comes to working with people. I have been told that my personality will help me go very far in the work force. I possess the traits of responsible, patients, persistency, and respect.

I should be chosen above the other applicants because I am here for the right reason, not because the money is good or the benefits. I am here to help the company become a better and more productive company. I am the perfect candidate for this position and will be sure to work my hardest every hour of my employment. I have always been a hard working employee for every job that I have worked at. I know I deserve this job over all the other applicants because I will be perfect for this position and will do everything in my power to make this job a positive experience for the employer and myself.