Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Excellence Essay


“The secret of joy in work is contained in one work – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.”(Buck page 1) This quote is saying that you will only do something well if you enjoy it. I believe that this is very true in my life. I will be telling you of the word that can never be surpassed in this world, excellence.
I have achieved excellence in my life in many ways. I was in Tae Kwon Do for three years and my goal was to become a junior black belt. I had to train hard and concentrate on my main goal. The first time I broke a board at my white belt test, I felt like I was on top of the world. I ran over to my mom, gave her a big hug, and had a huge smile on my face. From then on, I fully committed myself to achieving my goal. I attended many tournaments where you have to do a pattern and sparing. A pattern consists of showing the judges a pattern of moves that are put together by your instructor. In addition, sparing is when you fight another person. I never lost in sparing over my 10 tournaments I attended. During my junior black belt test, I failed to break my first board. I went over to my instructor and he told me that I have been an excellent student, that I have trained hard enough, and that I have the skills to make this break. I walked back out to the board, did my spinning back kick and broke the boards. This is what I call excellence. I enjoyed what I did and worked very hard to achieve my final goal.
To cheat on tests also is not automatically to cheat oneself as a learner (Puka, 2005). There is a lot of pressure in this world to achieve excellence. Parents put a lot of pressure on there kids to do well in school so that they can have a good job and be wealthy some day. If the child is struggling in a class and one of his/her friends is good at the class, the child might just copy the friends’ homework. This is a result of pressure from the parents. I admit that I have cheated in school before mostly because my parents are very strict when it comes to getting good grades. I know I could have probably done a good job on my own but I decided to take the easy way out and cheat.
Excellence may be achieved in many different ways in this world. Whether it is becoming a junior black belt or becoming a rocket scientist. Life is full of opportunities to achieve excellence. I hope that one day you all will have the chance to achieve excellence.

Buck, P. S. “The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.”
Puka, B. (2005). Student cheating.

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