Tuesday, May 6, 2008

On Thinking

"Thinking...is a solitart but a lonely business; solitude is that human situation in which I keep myself company. Loneliness comes about when I am alone without...being able to keep myself company...[In thinking] I am both the one who asks and the one who answers."

I believe that thinking is a very lonely thing at times and a very public thing at times. Because when you think, only you can know what you are thinking unless you speak what you are thinking. Only you know the correct answer to what you are thinking and not anyone else.

Thinking can be a very open thing or it can be a very confidential thing. When I think it usually is a little of both. For example, during a test I am thinking to myself so I don't get in trouble by the teacher for trouble. But when I think a friend of mine is being dumb, I straight up tell them that they are being dumb and usually they change how they are acting. When I am thinking by myself, my mind wonders from one thing to another very quickly. This helps me come up with ideas for a paper or project if needed.

Thinking can be both open and closed. Life is full of changes the keep you thinking confidential and open at different times.

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